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Differences Between Hair Transplants

Hair transplantation is a popular solution for individuals experiencing hair loss. Different methods such as FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction), DHI (Direct Hair Transplantation) and Sapphire hair transplantation are the methods used for hair transplant operations. Here are the differences between these three hair transplantation methods and their features:

FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction):

FUE is one of the most commonly used methods of hair transplantation.
Here are the features and differences of FUE:

Technique: FUE uses a fine microsurgical instrument to extract individual hair follicles. These follicles are then prepared for transplantation.

Recovery Process: The recovery process after FUE is quick and patients can usually return to their daily activities within a few days.

Scarring: Minimal scarring occurs after the FUE procedure, making the operation less visible.

Graft Quality: FUE removes hair follicles with less damage, which preserves follicle quality.

DHI (Direct Hair Implantation):

DHI is a method that removes and transplants hair follicles using a special pen-like device for hair transplantation.
Here are the features and differences of DHI:

Direct Transplantation: DHI has the ability to directly transplant hair follicles, which allows for greater precision during transplantation.

Pen Technique: DHI takes the follicles with a special pen and performs the transplant. This gives the doctor more control.

Healing Process: The healing process after DHI is usually quick and minimal scarring occurs.

Sensitivity: DHI is effective in creating a natural hairline and achieving more natural results.

Sapphire Hair Transplant:

Sapphire hair transplantation is a specialized FUE technique using sapphire blades to specifically prepare the transplant area.
Here are the features and differences of Sapphire hair transplantation:

Sapphire Blades: Sapphire blades used during the sapphire hair transplantation process help to make more precise and smooth cuts.

Scar Residue: Sapphire hair transplantation leaves minimal scarring and the post-operative recovery process is fast.

Graft Quality: Sapphire hair transplantation is effective in maintaining follicle quality and can help achieve natural results.

In conclusion, although there are differences between FUE, DHI and Sapphire hair transplantation methods, which method is most suitable depends on the patient’s individual needs, hair condition and the doctor’s recommendations. Before undergoing a hair transplant operation, it is important to consult a specialist and create a personalized treatment plan.